Thursday, February 13, 2014

17 weeks and counting!


So I've been on a blogger blackout. 1st trimester was rough! So sick and so tired through the 16 week mark. We were also crazy busy moving out of our first house, into my dad's house, searching for a home, birthdays, Christmas, anniversary, finding and closing and moving into our dream home! Oh and working too... Oh and taking care if a one year old. I seriously know that it will only be by the grace of God if we ever get anywhere we are supposed to be - much less on time - when the 2nd baby comes! I'm so happy to have found our new house but was so blessed to have my dad to play with Marshall in the mornings while I got my sick self ready for work! Anyway, the big baby updates are that the baby has had a healthy ultrasound and heartbeat checks. Marshall is a walking/talking machine and a total bookworm. We are snowed in today so that will give us a chance to snuggle and do some unpacking in between. Big gender reveal is next week!

10 week ultrasound 

Show me your surprised face!!!
15/16 weeks

New house in a new snow!

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

First ultrasound


Yesterday was a scary day for me. I noticed spotting early in the day and freaked out! I contacted the nurse who told me that I shouldn't worry unless it's bright red. I still worried. And worried. And worried. But The Lord is my helper and He let me rest after I read several passages about anxiety. 

But here's the good stuff... Ultrasound revealed a healthy little peanut! Just one! We both were sort of excited about the possibility of twins but we also know that God knows best and will only give us what we can handle.

Tomorrow is thanksgiving and we are going to reveal the news to the family! We can't wait!

Saturday, November 16, 2013

2nd hcg test


We tested again on Wednesday and my hcg more than doubled so I'm definitely preggers! Our first ultrasound is on 11/26. I'm having a hard time deciding how long to wait to tell everyone. It's kind of killing me!

Monday, November 11, 2013

The results are in...


I had my first hcg test today at 9 & nurse Terry called me at 11:45 with the results! We are pregnant! Hcg level is in the 100s... I honestly didn't hear her correctly, I was too excited. :) I go back Wednesday for a second test then a couple weeks later we will have an ultrasound & learn how many babies I'm carrying. Below are some fun pics from transfer day. The first one is a shot of our babies after they took them from the vial. The next one is the vial in which they lived for the last couple of years, and the third is a close up... Look very closely and the end of the metal at the very thin loop- that is exactly where our babies hung out! Crazy!

Friday, November 1, 2013

Transfer day!


Here we go again! Acupuncture at 9, transfer at 10:15, and then another acupuncture session at 11! Praying not to be anxious. A friend made a great post on Facebook the other day about how God wants us to be Holy more than he wants us to be happy and once we realize that, we can feel God's presence through every struggle. Good good point that I definitely needed to hear.
Justin is working today and that's a huge bummer since I always imagined my husband would be in the room with me anytime I tried to get pregnant. 

Side Note: This whole keeping this a secret thing is getting harder and harder! First, Justin can't make it, then Justin's parents get called into work and can't watch Marshall today. Jeff's family is coming down with something otherwise Vanessa would watch him. Dad is now going to watch Marshall- I have full faith that Dad knows what he's doing but I'm sure Marshall will do everything in his power to wear him out! Holly is able to pick up Marshall this afternoon to relieve Dad a bit. I sure hope the big reveal is worth it! :)

Saturday, October 26, 2013

1st progesterone shot, 1st breakdown


Wow... Up until this point I was totally convinced we (I) could handle this process like pros! I mean, we are established parents now, we've been through the intense process of IVF, and an FET cycle is nothing compared to having to grow and fertilize eggs. 

WRONG. Something about preparing for this first injection just broke something inside of me. The stress of trying to remember what the nurse said and knowing that everything has to be perfect finally took a toll. 

God, I need you. Even when I think I know what I'm doing. Especially when I think I know what I'm doing - when my pride is in control and my guard is down - thank you for reminding me to look to You for strength. Thank you even though those reminders can come in the form of stress, pain or anxiety. Help me to recognize my need for you sooner.

Whew. With that being said, the first injection is out of the way and that means countdown to transfer is officially on! And yes, this process is way different than IVF, but it doesn't make it any less taxing. Still thankful for my patient, kind and loving husband to share this with.

2nd u/s


My lining is "lovely, ya big show off", said the nurse. :)
And when I got my labs back my estrogen and progesterone are exactly where they are supposed to be. Today, Justin will give me my first progesterone shot and I will begin methylprednisolone and baby aspirin... Fun times!